
Thursday, 31 August 2017


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LI: Having a POV adn constructing a argument.
Today for writing we have been learning to dissagree and agreeing. First we started off with our writing group,Mr Oglive had given us some unplanned arguments. With our groups we had to split up and pick who was against and who was fore,I started off with fore. Mr Oglive gave us some arguments and we had to think on the positive about it and the bad about it. Once we shared our ideas we had to share it with the othe r side of our group. Then one person had to stand up and share their ideas for 30 seconds. IJ was the one who stood up for our group ( Fore ) . Then Mr Oglive gave is some planned arguments for this we had to make a argument or a type of hypothetical. We had to make sure it was at least under or 1 minute. Then by the time we have fiinshed we had to make a flipgrid. Flipgrid is a site that you can record your voice and add in  some funny backrounds or hasttags #. I had fun doing this for writing because I love making Statments.

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