
Sunday, 31 December 2017


For today I had to show where my home town was. Rachel told us that we had to add in 3 things that tourist would like about it and 1 thing I like about my home town.1 thing a tourist would like about my home town is that it is very quite. The second thing is that everyone communicates well. I like to play at the park and I meet new people. The last thing is that it is very beatiful and tourist would like to take lots off photos. 1 thing I love the most about my home town is that it has lots of shops like 2$ shops and things their is very cheap. So whenever I wanna but stuff I don't actually have to save up to a lot of money just 2$ or 5$. Sometimes I get up to 48$ or 20$.

Image result for Auckland, Glen Innes shopping centerAuckland, Glen Innes


  1. Kia Ora Marieta,
    This poster look amazing. I've done the same task as you. It's good to know what each other's hometown is. Glen Innes and Panmure is close to each other. I really love the intense image you added on to your poster. Do you love your hometown?
    Great Work.

  2. Kia Ora Marieta,

    Awesome, you’ve made a great start at completing this activity! You seem like you are very good at saving money! That’s something I need to improve on :)

    Would you be able to tell me two more things you can do in your hometown?

    My hometown is Wellington: 3 things I love to do
    1. Visit Te Papa Museum
    2. Explore the scenic walking tracks
    3. Visit Weta workshop: The Weta cave in Miramar

    Look forward to hearing from you soon!

    Cadence :)
