
Friday 3 May 2019


This week for Tech the year 8B have had another great session back at tech. We have all started on painting out clocks. The clocks were created from a laser machine which was planned out from a computar. The clocks were made out of wood. We all first drawed or designs and started choosing our colours to start of the painting. We all had different sized clocks which made it intersting. We saw shapes like cats, birds and more. The wood kinda smelt like burnt fire that had just been washed out with water.  The photo that had been took shows a photo of Chavda and I choosing our colours for painting. During today's lesson I learnt the next time I should start thinking abou blending my colours first to creae the colour I want then just going with the original colour. To be able to blend colours you get a equal amount of each colour and blend but if one colour is light and the other is dark then you will need to add more of the light colour and add a hint of the darker colour. This is how you blend any type of colours. I usally use these techniques in Painting, Colouring and more.

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