
Tuesday, 19 December 2017

It's all in the family

LI: to write down if you'd like having a big family.

For todays activicty we had to wrtie down if we'd like having 9 siblings. Because most parents back in the days had 7-9 children. I would not like having to much siblings because then our mum would struggle making lunch for us and buying to much food for us which would make her not have enough to buy other food for us.So I'd rather have oly 3 brothers and one sister.
victorian family.jpg


  1. Hi Marieta,

    You are doing a great job with these activities. Well done!

    I think you have made some interesting points about why you would not want 9 siblings. It would be very hard for the mums! They might have been used to it and the oldest children would have had to help a lot I think.

    Do you have 3 brothers and 1 sister? I have 2 brothers and 1 sister and I that's enough for me!


  2. Hello Marieta
    Well done on completing this summer learning journey activity. I would also not want to live with that many siblings (2 is hard enough). I like the picture that you included in your post. Keep up the excellent work Marieta!
